"I was just about to make you regret you were ever born."
- Duncan Lichtenberger

"The coolness of my phone can not be underestimated."
- Duncan Lichtenberger

"I am the human representation of the Xerox corporation."
- Duncan Lichtenberger

"Latin is a dead language.
I took Latin in high school because I felt dead inside."
- Duncan Lichtenberger

"I'm not afraid of heights, I'm afraid of widths."
- Duncan Lichtenberger

"I use that social media to make it a thing. Everyone will be using it. I'll use Tic Snap"
- Duncan Lichtenberger

"I finished my training. They detailed all the awful things you are going to do."
- Duncan Lichtenberger

"We no longer need to wear face masks. You should continue to wear one because nobody wants to look at your face."
- Duncan Lichtenberger

For other great quotes by Duncan Lichtenberger, see Kwallakats: A Duncan Extension.